
What Does It Mean to Have Google Index My Website?

There are over 1.5 billion websites worldwide, and 200 million are active. Hearing this might make you wonder how you can stand out from the crowd. While it might seem far-fetched, it doesn’t have to be! Read this guide on Google Indexing and how it can help your site today. What Is Google Indexing? Indexing…


10 Proven Ways to Drive Quality Website Traffic That Converts

Have you spent loads of money to make your web pages brand new but still get only a few clicks? It’s one thing to create an online presence and something entirely different to dominate the digital world. You’ll need to put some effort if you want to gain website traffic and convert it into potential…


What are the Top 5 SEO Tools?

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses communicate with their customers. At the top is the search engine optimization (SEO), which is the most important digital marketing piece that has to be implemented across different marketing platforms. Well, that’s easier said than done! Coming up with a functional SEO strategy might be a walk in…


Internal Links: Create SEO Magic

Today, there are over 1.5 billion websites around the world, and over 200 million are active. Hearing this might make you wonder how you can stand out from the crowd. It’s not just about external links and back links, but internal links too. What exactly are they? How will they help your site succeed? I…


What are Inbound Links? A Quick Guide

With Google recently launching its Penguin update to target manipulative link-building strategies, keeping the content on your website high-quality has become a little trickier – according to Google’s algorithm, at least. Who made these manipulative links? Cruella? It’s more important than ever to be aware of the different kinds of links that content might have…


What is a Display Campaign?

If you run a moderately successful WordPress website, whether it’s content or e-commerce-based, you have a lot to be proud of. You get nothing but glowing reviews and please loyal customers at every turn, but this year, you want to expand. How do you make that happen? By starting a display campaign of course! A…


What is a Video Campaign?

In 2020, 9.4 percent of the marketing industry consisted of video marketing. We consume huge amounts of videos as we scroll through social media and television each day. Between platforms such as Facebook and Tik Tok, we can’t seem to get away from moving pictures! (Meanwhile, someone’s GrandPappy just asked Who is Tik and why…


What Is PPC? A Quick Intro

Did you know that 85% of internet users spend their time searching for products? And, with billions of people online, that’s a huge opportunity for companies to make money. CHA-CHING! One way that businesses generate new clients is with something called pay per click advertising. If you’re interested in learning a little about pay per click marketing…

What Is SEO? 

You know those tragic stories about people who invest so much into making their website shiny and new, only to get zero visitors?  It’s a lot like spending weeks planning a kid’s birthday party only to realize you never sent out the invitations! I don’t know about you but in this imaginary scenario – we…